About us


We met at University whilst studying for our Masters degrees and have been good friends ever since.  We both loved helping people in pain get better and we both loved sport.   With the skills we shared we wanted to develop a clinic to provide a highly specialised physiotherapy service that anyone, average Joe and athletes alike, could access.

We found our premises in Macclesfield Cheshire, Hogan & Mitchell Physiotherapy was born and we haven't looked back.

Physiotherapy to us means something quite different from most people's experience elsewhere.  We spend a lot of time explaining WHY we are different!

We pride ourselves on our honesty when it comes to what we CAN and CAN'T do for our clients. Overall there is rarely an occasion where we cannot help someone in pain. Over the years we have both worked in the public and private sectors including elite professional sport.

Our knowledge, skills and experience mean that you see the expert FAST. We continue to read new research and use current scientific evidence to help our clients get the best treatment and rehab they can. We feel everyone should be offered the best advice regardless of age, ability or disability and strive to achieve this every day.

We like to get involved with local clubs, teams, organisations and charities. If you have a question please feel free to get in touch and if we can help we certainly will.

To read more about Simon or Ross click their names below!


The Hogan & Mitchell Guarantee

1. We promise to listen to you and explain your problem in a way that makes sense to you, and tell you how long it will take to get better

2. We promise to be honest about what will & won’t help you

3. We promise you a positive experience of what real modern physio is and what we can help you achieve, WITHOUT machines or acupuncture!

4. We promise that if we cannot solve your problem, we will put you in touch with the right person who can.



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