Looking for some physio help with your pain or  injury? Check out our articles below. You can either scroll through them or pick a topic to go to more articles on that topic! If you have a question or would like an article on anything you can’t see, just let us know!

29th March 2020

Hamstring Pain

Does it hurt at the back of your thigh when you walk, run or kick? You probably have a Hamstring Problem! What are the Hamstrings? The Hamstrings are the group of muscles that make up the back of your thigh.  There are 3 of them on each leg; semimembranosus, semitendinosus […]
23rd March 2020

Hip Flexor Groin Pain

Hip Flexor related groin pain is just one possible reason for your groin pain. Figuring out what is causing YOUR groin pain is ESSENTIAL in getting you better.  We Treat & Rehab the cause, NEVER just treat the symptoms! Other possible reasons for your groin pain include the hip joint, […]
23rd March 2020

Adductor Groin Pain

Adductor related groin pain is just one possible reason for your groin pain. Figuring out what is causing YOUR groin pain is ESSENTIAL in getting you better.  We Treat & Rehab the cause, NEVER just treat the symptoms! Other possible reasons for your groin pain include the hip joint, inguinal […]
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