6th November 2019

Top 5 Reasons for Shoulder Pain

THE TOP 5 REASONS FOR SHOULDER PAIN   Here are the top 5 Reasons for Shoulder Pain. You can use them to help diagnose your own shoulder problem. Rotator Cuff Problems Stiff Shoulder Unstable Shoulder Acromio clavicular Joint Something else!   Rotator Cuff Problems The rotator cuff are 4 muscles […]
21st July 2018

How can Hogan & Mitchell Physiotherapy help you?

If your car has problems, the warning light comes on. You’d then book it into the garage for a mechanic to sort out the problem. If it’s a good mechanic you should get a car back running smoothly, or if it’s a rubbish mechanic you might take your business elsewhere, […]
30th April 2018

Should I have shoulder surgery? What does the evidence say?

Got Shoulder Pain? Having shoulder pain feels rubbish.  We use our arms a lot so that means your shoulder can can hurt, a lot! A common diagnosis you might be given is one of ‘impingement’ or ‘rotator cuff tear’.  Impingement relates to pain believed to be coming from one of […]
26th September 2016

Got shoulder pain? Have you got impingement? AKA sub acromial impingement

What the heck is that? The correct term (there is a new one every year it seems!) is sub acromial pain syndrome. It refers to pain arising from irritation of one or more of the tendons or bursa (a fluid filled sac) that sit between the humerus (the ball)  and […]
26th August 2016

Got shoulder pain? Have you got a Frozen Shoulder?

What is it? A frozen shoulder is a very painful condition where your shoulder becomes severely restricted.  It is arguably the most painful shoulder problem to get. As a general rule it mainly effects people in their 50’s and 60’s in fact the Japanese even refer to it as ‘50’s […]
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