15th October 2018

What everyone with a scoliosis needs to know about how to stay pain free.

Do you have a scoliosis? Find out how scoliosis treatment and rehab is possible. It won’t probably change the look of the curve your but it will get rid of symptoms! What is a scoliosis? A scoliosis is a rotation or twist of the bones in our spine (vertebrae). If you look […]
3rd September 2018

What is Pilates? And is it any good for back pain?!

What is Pilates & is it any good for reducing your back pain? Have you ever thought about trying Pilates but were not sure what it was all about? Could it actually help improve your back pain or is it all just hype? As a spinal clinical specialist physiotherapist I get asked questions about Pilates a lot so let me give you a […]
27th April 2018

5 things to do, if you sit down all day, to relieve pain.

The Sitting Disease! Do you sit down all day for a living? Well you are not alone. Modern day technology has led to a rise of the machines and the sitting down of humans.  But it’s not quite Terminator time yet. Working behind a computer or using smartphones and tablets […]
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