What causes Pain Between the Shoulder Blades?
20th March 2019Trochanteric Bursitis? I bet it’s NOT!
Here are the top 5 Reasons for Shoulder Pain. You can use them to help diagnose your own shoulder problem.
Rotator Cuff Problems
Stiff Shoulder
Unstable Shoulder
Acromio clavicular Joint
Something else!
Rotator Cuff Problems
The rotator cuff are 4 muscles that wrap around the 'ball' of your upper arm and 'sucker it' onto the socket formed by your shoulder blade. They account for a massive 75% of ALL THE REASONS that people see a physio or GP about shoulder pain. It is common to have small tears in them and this is NORMAL and NOT a reason to have surgery. You normally have full movement but it is painful.
Stiff Shoulder
The shoulder joint normally allows a huge range of movement. Any restriction by tight muscles or a restricted joint capsule tends to cause big problems. It can be just a bit stiff (any age) OR it can be REALLY stiff and painful like in a Frozen Shoulder, normally only if you’re in your 50's or 60's. The last possibility is a VERY arthritic shoulder. Severe osteoarthritis will cause restriction.
Unstable Shoulder
This ultimately means there is too much 'wobble' at the joint. There are 2 reasons for this. The first is anyone who has dislocated their shoulder due to an injury. This in turn means a ligament (bone to bone tissue) has been stretched or torn. The second is someone who is HYPERMOBILE. This means that their soft tissues are more flexible than the average person.
Acromio clavicular Joint
This is the joint where the collarbone meets the shoulder blade. It normally becomes painful following an injury like a fall onto an outstretched hand. The ligaments around the joint are strained and pain begins.
Something else!
There are a few other reasons but normally it is a neck problem which is referring pain into the shoulder or upper arm.
ALL of these problems can be helped and almost all shoulder problems can be CURED with rehab exercise. Rehab exercise is THE BEST TREATMENT for ALL true shoulder pains. It takes a bit of time and perseverance of course but IT WORKS! Machine treatment is a COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME!
We hope this guide helps you figure out what category you might fall into. It does not of course substitute an individual assessment by an expert. Shoulder Rehab IS NOT all the same.