Sports Physiotherapy in Macclesfield: What Does It involve?
19th September 2017
Should I Go To A&E with A Bad Back?
13th December 2017If there is one thing that our years of experience have taught us, it’s that back pain is a prevalent problem – in fact, around 90% of the UK population will be affected by it at some point in their lives. Research has shown that not only is it the number one reason for work absence globally, it can also negatively affect people’s ability to exercise, and their day to day life in general.
Often the back pain gets so severe that you have to see a professional, and you may get told that you have “spondylosis”, “degenerative disc disease”, “bulging discs” or even a “crumbling spine“. Unfortunately, how these problems are explained by different clinicians can lead to some unhelpful understanding and beliefs. Thankfully there is no such thing as ‘crumbling spine’ and all the others are normal findings seen on x-rays or scans, even in people without pain!
In fact, if people think their back pain is caused by “crumbling spine” or “osteoarthritis”, then this can cause them to not exercise as much, or stop moving and this can make their back pain worse by being stiffer and not as fit. A lot of research has been done that shows that increasing your fitness levels gradually through gentle exercise can significantly help with reducing back pain. In fact, The National Institute for Clinical Effectiveness (NICE) produced some guidelines in 2016, which are related to the management of lower back pain, and these guidelines recommended that exercise in all forms – including aerobics, yoga and stretching – as the essential first step in managing and improving back pain.
Anyone who makes an appointment with us because of back pain is definitely coming to the right place. We won’t diagnose you with any of the “conditions” outlined above and can explain what they mean if you have heard these before. We won’t simply treat the symptoms – we address the cause by asking you a series of questions designed to unpick the problem. Once we understand what is causing the pain – whether it be a sprain, strain, or simply some overuse – we come up with a plan for your recovery based on your individual needs, which is often very simple.
It is essential to remember that our bodies are strong, stable, and robust (especially the spine!) and we certainly benefit from regular fitness and strengthening exercises to help maintain your flexibility. Your body is made to move, so even if you have a sedentary job, you should wriggle around in your chair as much as possible (without looking strange!) or even better get up and walk around regularly.
We have a wide range of therapies that we can undertake with you to give you some relief – including Pilates (classes or one-to-one) and tailored strengthening programmes. Book an appointment today by calling 01625 422 825.