
Specialists at helping you live the
life you want


Understand your pain


Discover how to get better


Get your life back


5 top tendon pain FACTS you need to know!


    Tendon pain shouldn't be a life sentence

    People in with tendon pain often leave it a long time before asking for help,

    they don't know what is wrong, and worry about the future.

    We specialise in modern physio to help people

    live the life they want and keep doing the things they love.


    Tell us how your tendon pain affects you:

      Tendon pain making your life miserable?

      End your tendon pain and stiffness with our expert help

      Closeup side view of early 30's doctor examining a knee of a senior gentleman during an appointment. The doctor is gently touching the tendons around the knee and showing the patient which part of his knee has suffered.

      We'll help you find out what's wrong

      We'll give you peace of mind so that you are confident and know you are safe to keep moving

      We'll help you to keep active

      Stay healthy and do what you love whether its walking, running, playing sports or chasing after your kids all day!

      Group run outside square

      We'll help you to stay free from painkillers

      No more reaching for the medicine cabinet. PLUS - they're no good for your long term health anyway, they don't actually do anything to fix theproblem, they just mask it

      We'll help you to avoid unnecessary surgery

      We’ll quickly help you understand the root-cause of what’s going on so you can learn most things get better without surgery instead of it being the first and only option


      We'll help you to get more enjoyment out of life!

      Relax and enjoy the quality time with your family and friends that aches and
      pains can steal from you, and finally get a good night sleep without tossing and turning

      We have helped thousands of people get better from tendon pain.

      From a 1 week episode to 10 years worth of pain. It’s still one of the most common problems that we see in our physio clinic in Macclesfield Cheshire.

      When it comes to tendon pain, it feels like everyone has an opinion on what’s best for you. It can be confusing to know who to listen to and who to trust. Most of the advice is often out of date.

      One thing that is certain about tendon pain is that your tendon pain and the contributing factors to it are individual to you. So what might have worked for a friend will not work for you.

      If one treatment worked for everyone then tendon pain would not be the problem it is!

      Frequently heard problems

      Here are some things that our clients have said to us about their
      tendon pain before they came to us.

      “I have tried other treatment in the past but nothing they said or did seemed to help”

      Mark - 52

      'I thought it would just go away, but it didn't'

      Suzanne - 43

      “Pain killers have not got rid of my pain”

      Margie - 72

      “Someone told me tendon pain is a sign of aging and I just accepted it!”

      Kenny - 68

      “I have tried exercise videos for my Achilles pain but they don’t help and sometimes make it worse”

      Alex - 23

      Check out our reviews

      Google Rating

      Fantastic in all regards. I went with patellar tendonitis. I’d hurt it several times through snowboarding and martial arts, and as a result had sharp pain and no confidence in the joint. Couldn’t negotiate stairs properly or even carry my kids to bed. The issue was explained and how to think about it differently. A rehab plan was created for me and the results have bomb-proofed my knees. It used to feel as though my knees were jarring when I tried to do any sort of exercise. A few months later I’m now running 5-10K with ease.

      Tim W.

      I had an assessment which was so thorough and professional that it put to shame the appointment I had previously attended with a supposedly top consultant (the one thing the consultant did right was to advise me to see a sports physiotherapist). Everything was explained in detail so I really understood what my problem was and what I needed to do to rectify it. I had suffered 6 months of Achilles pain, but after just 1 session at Hogan & Mitchell I have finished a 76 mile walk and there was almost no pain. It was fantastic. I would most definitely recommend the practice.

      Karen L.

      The "Get Rid of Your Tendon Pain Plan"

      1. Book an appointment
      2. Get a diagnosis
      3. Get a bespoke treatment & rehab plan
      4. Carry out the plan (important!)
      5. Get better!

      The Hogan & Mitchell Guarantee

      1. We promise to listen to you and explain your problem in a way that makes sense to you, and tell you how long it will take to get better

      2. We promise to be honest about what will & won’t help you

      3. We promise you a positive experience of what real modern physio is and what we can help you achieve, WITHOUT machines or acupuncture!

      4. We promise that if we cannot solve your problem, we will put you in touch with the right person who can.



      Achilles Tendonitis

      By Simon | 11th June 2020

      Hamstring Pain

      By Simon | 29th March 2020

      Runners Knee

      By Simon | 23rd March 2020

      Hip Flexor Groin Pain

      By Simon | 23rd March 2020

      Adductor Groin Pain

      By Simon | 23rd March 2020

      Achilles Tendonitis

      By Simon | 22nd March 2020

      IT Band Syndrome

      By Simon | 22nd March 2020

      Shin splints

      By Simon | 22nd March 2020

      How to injury proof your Couch to 5K

      By Simon | 21st November 2018

      If you have arthritis in your knee, strengthen your quads!

      By Simon | 22nd August 2018

      Tendon pain problem? Talk to us

      01625 422 855