21st July 2018

Back Pain when Sitting? 4 Ways to cure the sitting disease!

Do you have your back pain when you are sitting? Is it better when you stand or walk?  Then you might have the sitting disease! Now let’s be serious for a second, you haven’t got a disease, but sitting might be a large contributing factor in the cause of your […]
21st July 2018

How can Hogan & Mitchell Physiotherapy help you?

If your car has problems, the warning light comes on. You’d then book it into the garage for a mechanic to sort out the problem. If it’s a good mechanic you should get a car back running smoothly, or if it’s a rubbish mechanic you might take your business elsewhere, […]
16th July 2018

Crickety crack, that’s my back! Should I have my back cracked?

You may have heard your back ‘crack’ at some point or even gone to someone to get your back ‘cracked’. In technical speak it can be called a spinal adjustment or spinal manipulation. What is a spinal manipulation?! Well nothing is adjusted out of or into place in terms of […]
27th June 2018

Pat’s Back Story. Is it a happy ever after tale……?

Pat’s story of her back pain is unfortunately a familiar one for us to hear.  I wonder if any of her story sounds familiar to you? Pat is 52, she works part time and loves going to pilates, walking her dog, seeing her grandchildren and spending time with her friends. […]
27th June 2018

Rise of the Machines. 3 Reasons why machines WON’T make your pain go away!

Why are we telling you about this? Why? Because use of machine treatment has been on the rise for years and because quite simply they don’t really do what they claim to do and are a waste of both yours and our time. We use NO MACHINES in our clinic, […]
27th April 2018

5 things to do, if you sit down all day, to relieve pain.

The Sitting Disease! Do you sit down all day for a living? Well you are not alone. Modern day technology has led to a rise of the machines and the sitting down of humans.  But it’s not quite Terminator time yet. Working behind a computer or using smartphones and tablets […]
8th March 2018

Persistent or chronic pain ? There must be something still injured right? Maybe not!

What is persistent pain? It is defined as ‘pain that persists beyond normal tissue healing time’, which is approximately 3 months. So what does that mean in English? Well if you were to structurally injure pretty much anything e.g. break a bone in your body or partially tear a muscle it […]
18th December 2017

Back Pain Since Giving Birth?

Back pain since giving birth? First of all congratulations!  You made a human!  Now, forgive us for stating the obvious but being pregnant and having a baby will have changed your body. While you have been enjoying the happiness, and lack of sleep, that goes along with having a baby, […]
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